
We’ve released Drizzle7! Not only that, we’re now calling it Generally Available – a GA release.

What does this mean? What does this GA label mean?

You could view as a GA label being “we’re pretty confident people aren’t going to on mass ask for our heads when they start using it”… which isn’t a too bad description. We also plan to maintain it, there could be future releases in this series that just include bug fixes – we won’t just immediately tell you to go and use the latest tarball or bzr tree. This release series is a good one to use.

Drizzle7 is something that can be packaged in Linux distros. It’s no longer something where the best bet is to add the PPA and upgrade every two weeks or build from source yourself. If you’re looking to deploy Drizzle (or develop against it) – you can rely on this release.

I’ll never use the words “production ready” to describe a release – it’s never up to me. It’s up to each person or organisation looking to deploy a piece of software to decide if that bit of software is production ready for them.

Personally, I’m looking forward to see how people can break it. While Drizzle is the best tested FOSS SQL RDBMS server, I’m sure there’s new an interesting ways it can be broken by saying we’re ready for a much larger crowd to hammer on it.

Overall, I think we’ve managed to take the now defunct MySQL 6.0 tree (way back in 2008) and release something that can truly live up to the line “database for cloud”. Drizzle is modern, modular, rather solid and understandable. The future is bright, there is so much more to do to make the ultimate database for cloud. Drizzle7 is a great platform to build on – both for us (developers) and us (people who use relational databases).

7 thoughts on “Drizzle7

  1. Congratulations! I hope it will have some impact. Drizzle was a good project to begin with and it will show the way for MySQL in some areas.

  2. Awesome news! I’m really happy to see the GA. I just downloaded and built from source, and that was a pretty smooth experience. I had to install quite a bunch of packages, but it was all very straightforward – cool!

    A few more annoyances as compared to MySQL are fixed actually:

    Still, I think there are still a bunch of mysql gotcha’s left, for example:

    #1 group_concat still can’t grow the buffer and will still truncate beyond @@group_concat_max_len.

    http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=11715: PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints have unique names per table. In ANSI/IEC SQL, the assumption is that constraints are unique throughout the schema. It’s not a big deal that this is different, but what is a problem is that the information_schema is built with the assumption that constraint names will be unique per schema.

    http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=17943: ‘inline’ FOREIGN KEY constraint definitions are ignored without even a warning.

    http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=23353: in an UPDATE statement, you can’t reference the updated table in the WHERE clause.

    I’m not sure about: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=30477…is this in drizzle too?

  3. Pingback: Drizzle7 GA – testing summary » workcenter220

  4. Pingback: Anonymous

  5. Pingback: Last Week in Drizzle « LinuxJedi's /dev/null

  6. Pingback: MySQL fork: Drizzle 7 gets general release « News « Gemini

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