notes from people who knew Becky

The funeral was on Saturday. It was held at Robert Blackwood Hall at Monash – and the auditorium was just about full – and it holds a bit over 1,200 people – which was enough to totally overwhelm her family. They thought it would be big, but there were wide eyes!

There were lots of familiar faces – and every one of them wished that there was catching up being done over better events. The standard greeting of “How are you?” was constantly postfixed with, “well, apart from”.

but there was laughter and tears – and stuff that was just sooo Becky it couldn’t be anyone else.

(these people left notes after they found my blog entry – it just took me a while to moderate due to the horrible thing that is comment spam.):

Therase Weeks
ella fortin

thanks for your words.

I will write more over the coming days – there is so much to do and so little time.

Rebecca Tomilson – you will always be missed.

thinking about cooling

as soon as i close the door to my office (to block out the inevitable noise from the rest of the house) – the office temperature goes up a couple of degrees fairly quickly. I guess this is my punishment for buying a Pentium IV.

Opening the window is working okay at the moment… although I’m not looking forward to when it hits 40 degrees.

I think i’m going to have to get a little portable cooler. Evaporative cooling works pretty well in Melbourne, and since it’s significantly cheaper than full on air conditioning – i’m thinking of getting one of those.

Reprogramming with a large, sharp axe.

Somebody needs to do this for the Australian Business Register web site.

“Help” on the forms for registering for an Australian Business Number and GST can be “if yes, click yes”. Oh really… I thought i’d just click ‘no’ when I really meant ‘yes’.

Plus, it can ask you all sorts of strange questions that befuddle the reader if they have no real idea on the fine details of australian taxation law (i have no such knowledge, and don’t care for it).

And they have a field in the form – “declaration completion date”. which is, (from the help) “The declaration field records the date the application is completed.”.

I’d like to know why they can’t auto-complete that field. Today is probably a safe bet.

On the brighter side of life – talking to someone at ING Direct was a lot more pleasurable.

and one more thing…. the ‘Exit’ button at the end of the ABN process doesn’t work. I’ll never get out now! NOOOOOOO!

wish for a useful tool

I’ve started to draw up (by hand) some UML diagrams of parts of the cluster code – I figure this way I can better learn (and remember) what belongs to what and what has what.

This really useful where the question comes up of “I need a NdbMgmHandle.. now where are we storing one of those?”

In the past, cscope has been a hell of a useful tool for all this – but it seems to fall down on C++… at least through the emacs mode i’m so fond of. There was also a similar in house tool at SGI which I was incredibly fond of (I don’t think a single day went by where I didn’t use it) – maybe I’ll have to bug people to release it as open source :)

I was thinking a nice perl script could produce some Dia XML (for a bit of by-hand processing i guess). Just chuck it a bunch of header files (with the class definitions in them) and it can sort out a graph of what has what etc.

Maybe Dia XML could be a bit complex for the first go – but hey, even some kind of web thingy could be useful.

I want a quick-glance image, not a pour through everything or grep.

Although I do wish cscope was a bit less broken – it can really get royally confused on some (quite valid) source.

currently listening to…

Cat Stevens. really enjoying it too. haven’t listened to him in ages.

I’ve raided my dad’s CD collection (vinyl collection is good too, but harder to put onto an iPod[1])

[1] these days I wouldn’t automatically buy one though – Apple is proving monopolistic and evil with their DRM and *why* isn’t there OGG support yet? There’s BSD licensed code out there!

Proof that all telco’s are the same… no matter where you go.

For those in .au, just substitute in “Telstra” or “Optus” here and have a giggle – not that far from the truth is it?

At least the US (unlike .au) has broadband. We only have fraudband.

They sell cable plans here with 400MB of traffic before being capped.

Or ADSL ones with 200MB of traffic before being billed 14 cents PER MB!

Brian “Krow” Aker’s Idle Thoughts – Cell Phone Service Person

Weatherall’s Law

If you don’t already – point your RSS feed reader over to Weatherall’s Law

and examine her most recent writings about Software Patents.

Kim describes her blog as “Being the thoughts and comments of an Australian IP Academic on IP, IT, etc.”

There is, of course, the legal disclamier that the views expressed there are her own and not that of….

which for some reason makes me giggle. Maybe it’s because she’s a lawyer and isn’t just putting it on there to sound cool.

big clean up and office supply shop

since my office is moving out of my bedroom and into an actual room, I went and did some office supply and furniture shopping.

I hate traffic.

I REALLY hate traffic. It’s boring, slow, not fuel efficient and really wastes your time while you’re sitting in it. I haven’t driven through the CBD and near-CBD during the day in so long that I’d forgotten how bad it really is. urghe.

But Ikea was great. The big store in Richmond – wow, i could spend hours in there (and a few thousand bucks no doubt).

I bought a (smaller) desk. This’ll go in the bedroom (always need somewhere to do stuff) – and move my big one downstairs (not looking forward to that).

Also got a nice big thing to hold my ever-expanding CD collection.

It’s interesting… working for a company based in sweden and buying office stuff from Ikea. I guess it’s in the spirit of things.

The reason i was in the CBD was to get a copy of my birth certificate. Without which, it’s a lot harder to get a passport (which, beleive it or not, i’ve managed to do without all my life). But now, work requires it – so I’m getting one.

Getting the piece of paper took about two minutes, getting in and out of the city took forever.

Bloody city car park. coming out, i swear there was less than an inch either side of my mirrors. talk about crapping myself as driving out. That and it was next to impossible to get out of the car once i had parked (and spent about 5 or 10 mins actually looking for the darned thing).

Been sorting out my filing cabinet too. Trying to separate the work and personal stuff. will put work stuff somewhere more specific. Going to need to – what with expenses et al now being sorted out from home (can’t just leave them at work until i fill out the form).

but should all be good…. just have to get on with that task i’ve been assigned.