helping in public forums

So, what’s my deal with helping out in public forums?

we seem to all be a helpful lot at mysql… hanging out in the web based forums at (for some obscure reason, some people actually like web based forums. give me usenet anyday), or on the lists (like the cluster list) and in #mysql on freenode.

i guess i help where i can (and it’s quick, or a likely bug, or when it’s a good idea to clearly document something). Also, reading the forum/list can help me learn some stuff too.

I less enjoy it when it is “Distributing (basic) clue to users”. Especially when it’s just simple bloody obvious things. People tend to actually have well thought out questions on a list. IRC it tends to be different.

although i wont go and spend time investigating something for a list/forum Q. I figure that if i have to expend effort, then it’s probably something that should be put to support – as in paid support.

I remember asking for a fair bit of handholding into GNU Arch. But that is a bit of a “once it clicks, it’s all good”, and i was trying to get into it before there was the wiki and stuff with lots of useful info and stuff.

although this is just my ramblings and thoughts… will have to look up if there’s any actual policy on this.

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