doxygen loves the RAM

Why when running doxygen over the mysql tree (5.0 or 5.1) do I have a process with 590MB of RSS memory?

Not exactly inspiring confidence. Although I guess I’m lucky because I have the RAM to do that in (on any box around here I actually use frequently).

The output of doxygen can be really useful when trying to learn (or remember) the relationships between various bits of code. I find it a bit faster than switching between buffers in an editor and then trying to remember where some class was defined. links are a good thing.

It’d be great if we switched all our public API docs to doxygen, as the output really is quite nice. In fact, internal APIs wouldn’t be bad either. Although, naturally, the real documentation is the source, which (luckily) the doxygen output also makes easy to view.

I’ve rigged up this script to automatically pull the latest out of the public repository (using the free bk client) and generate doxygen docs. About time I share this with the world. you also need the doxygen template (rename it to Doxyfile.template in the same directory as

I run this in cron @daily.

2 thoughts on “doxygen loves the RAM

  1. Pingback: domas mituzas: vaporware, inc. » mysql cluster api docs

  2. Pingback: mysql cluster api docs | domas mituzas

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