goes to VMware. Honestly, why every time i go and upgrade a kernel or version of the free (as in beer) VM it asks me about serial numbers.
They also get a “annoyance award” for not listing Victoria as a state that could be in Australia on their web site. They do list other Australian states though (e.g. Westeren Australia and the Australian Capital Territory) yet not one of the most populous.
Or it should really go to Solaris. What a pain in the arse to get to the point of being able to compile $random_free_software_project. Look at Ubuntu/Debian: install system, apt-get build-dep $project, grab source, build. No fucking around with PATH or some strange application to do security updates (which I don’t know how on earth I figured out – I know that somebody else I work with hasn’t been able to easily find it). Why oh why is it so hard? Can’t there be an easy way? Please, somebody enlighten me!