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Yearly Archives: 2008
Twitter Updates for 2008-04-30
- gave CAUDIT talk (Sun thing for universities). Went well, have had good feedback. #
- @bytebot: it’s on my TODO :) #
- @kartar: the words "knowledge management" sound wanky enough, even without any knowledge about what that means #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-04-30
- gave CAUDIT talk (Sun thing for universities). Went well, have had good feedback. #
- @bytebot: it’s on my TODO :) #
- @kartar: the words "knowledge management" sound wanky enough, even without any knowledge about what that means #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-04-29
- in need of coffee #
- @sheeri: or, the conf is more like 100hr. (5*20… ’cause about 4hrs sleep is right) #
- darn… just started listening to Sgt Pepper’s and it’s time for phone call. #
- VirtualBox with Seamless mode is pretty cool #
- aha! discovered how to (sort of) use the gnome Invest applet #
- mmmm… drinks. #
- i need to get more done though #
- incl write presentation for tomorrow #
- @johnf: yes. #
- @lathiat: for CAUDIT. sydney #
- wanting to pull data out of a mysql whitepaper for a talk… large hoops to jump just to read it. fail. #
- @LudoMP: great! hope you like it (we who make MySQL Cluster do) #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-04-28
- in Sun Melbourne office. #
- some meeting rooms have couches not chairs #
- @brianaker: tempting. very, very tempting. #
- @pjf: i had that issue… i think it’s jabber.org that hates me. #
- FUCKERS put in another speed bump on Patterson Rd. NOT HAPPY #
- talk to write by wednesday… argh… on top of everything else #
- @pjf: something called CAUDIT. Sun and university IT stuff. Sydney. #
- lunch! #
- okay… in sun office on VPN over wireless… woah… and it works. #
- hardy hibernate reboots instead of hibernates: FAIL. #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-04-27
Twitter Updates for 2008-04-26
- although the bit to type in pidgin is now small without the option of making it bigger. ARRRGGHHH! #
- although it seems to auto-resize.. hrrm.. #
- bread is baking #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-04-25
- theory of detoxing from coffee: lasted until 2:30pm #
- i think the ide controller in my myth box has gone funny. #
- so the question is… new myth box ($$), buy a real (region free) dvd player… and still, what to do about sound output from myth… #
- @kattekrab: i thought the other day… if Sony made one of their ebook readers waterproof… it would be so incredibly awesome #
- @kattekrab: i have one :) #
- (not waterproof though) #
- /me wishes f-spot wasn’t so slow when operating off a NFS mount #
- @bytebot: the Sony PRS-505 – same one that tridge had at LCA. it runs linux. all works with (only used it with linux) #
- @bytebot: i got mine from Fry’s… but i guess they should have them there. #
- @kartar: i love mine too… and i’ve had it like a week or something. #
- @kartar: i like project gutenberg stuff atm.. lots of stuff i haven’t read yet. aparrently you can put any microsoft ebook stuff on it #
- @kartar (after using a conversion program) #
- @kartar yep. #
- mm… food… mmm.. drinks #
- @kartar: i found a place that has it all automated…. #
- @kartar: manybooks.net #
- @kartar manybooks.net has most stuff up there… i’ll likely search elsewhere when i have other stuff to read :) #
- @kartar: currently reading The Art of War #
- @kartar @kattekrab @cafuego food then rrose? #
- @kattekrab: i’ll have bath (so clean), then head towards yours? #
- and i’m sure the entire world needs to know this…. hence all the twittering. rather amusing really #
- @kattekrab: that it’s a demon? a dancing demon… urgh.. something isn’t right there. #
- @kartar about food and drink plans you $cleverword #
- mmmm… coffee #
- @sheeri what the? #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-04-24
- managed to log onto the Sun internal web stuff… now to get VPN going… but the token card works. YAY! #
- woot – twitter authenticated on the jabber server that works! #
- trying to find out how to get a sunray for home… #
- woohoo! no mandatory Java brainwashing course! #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-04-22
- home (finally) #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-04-20
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timezones and when you get mail
It’s very weird having mail arrive at different times… e.g. when in the US, it’s less likely for some peolpe to mail you in the middle of the night US time.
Back home… common to get response between local time 2-5am… which is rather not 2-5am their local time.
But my habit of pulling mail in the morning after having done so late at night…. hard to break.
mysql-5.1.24-stew1 (with Maria and PBXT)
I’ve hacked around a bit to get PBXT to compile in tree, and pulled in the Maria engine. Both are latest source.
So, want to try out Maria?
Want to try out PBXT?
Just want to do ./configure and go with it, just like building a normal MySQL Server?
Grab the -stew tree. Source tarball here:
(it’s based on something close to 5.1.24… and I’m going to switch some of my systems over to it rather soon… already done some good benchmarks on one of my apps).
feedback much appreciated.
UPDATE: Got x86-64 Linux. Try my binary tarball (built from above src tarball). Built on Ubuntu Gutsy (my laptop). So it may (or may not) work. If it kills your squirrel, not my fault.
OpenLDAP, MySQL Cluster, world of awesome
Last night (okay… i’m posting thsi a bit later… so the other night), a group of us gathered around to hear about some work that had been done in getting a MySQL Cluster backend for OpenLDAP.
I’d heard a bit of rumors (where rumors is defined by somebody saying something on IRC and me being busy looking at other things) about this previously, but last night was the first time I a) saw it working and b) saw performance numbers.
Disclaimer: I am no LDAP expert.
So, what is it?
Normal LDAP can replicate asynchronously from one machine to another. You can even update on both and it has some conflict resolution. But… this costs in performance.
Normal LDAP can also replicate (asynchronously) to a remote location for read-only (e.g. make authentication go faster in Australia with the main LDAP server in the US).
The MySQL Cluster backend for OpenLDAP connects directly to MySQL Cluster, using rather optimised schema, indexes and coding (directly using everything that we’re good at – which was really awesome to hear).
So, the MySQL Cluster backed LDAP server is the 2nd fastest in the world. The fastest is OpenLDAP on a single machine. With MySQL Cluster, we’re not that much slower than a single box – but we have redundancy. So that’s totally awesome. The third fastest…. much slower than us.
This was one of the most awesome new things I’ve seen here.
Origins of the MySQL name
After many years where it’s been under debate, Monty now really says he knows what MySQL is named after, and it is after My.
Community member with MySQL fork
“Web 2.0”
Everytime somebody says “Web 2.0”, a kitten dies.
dot point 2: GPL
Rich Green talking at MySQL UserConf.
Dot point 2: GPL.
Let’s see….
Epic portion of FAIL
Mike told me there’s a book. It’s a real book. Epic FAIL.
Twitter Updates for 2008-04-12
- at LugRadio Live USA
in Val Henson’s talk: storage for startups #
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