Progress in nofrm branch

“Ban FRM Now!” branch in Launchpad

Now we’re reading part of the table information out of the proto file on disk instead of the frm.

Not everything (yet) but a bit. Good first steps. Had to fix bugs along the way as well (and find weirdness in FRM file format…).

Progress is being made.

perhaps i should go open the garage…

System Temperatures (Temperatures in Celsius):
Sensor           Status  Temp LowHard LowSoft LowWarn HighWarn HighSoft HighHard
MB/T_AMB         OK        43    -10      -5       0      45       50       55
MB/CMP0/T_TCORE  OK        51    -10      -5       0      85       90       95
MB/CMP0/T_BCORE  OK        51    -10      -5       0      85       90       95
MB/IOB/T_CORE    OK        55    -10      -5       0      95      100      105

Spoke too soon:

System Temperatures (Temperatures in Celsius):
Sensor           Status  Temp LowHard LowSoft LowWarn HighWarn HighSoft HighHard
MB/T_AMB         OK        45    -10      -5       0      45       50       55
MB/CMP0/T_TCORE  OK        58    -10      -5       0      85       90       95
MB/CMP0/T_BCORE  OK        58    -10      -5       0      85       90       95
MB/IOB/T_CORE    OK        57    -10      -5       0      95      100      105

iTWire – Linux Australia election results are in – but is there a mandate?

iTWire – Linux Australia election results are in – but is there a mandate?

I mostly disagree with the conclusions drawn by David here.

On voter turnout, this year we were consistent with previous years (see previous graphs, and reproduced below):

We’ve even been on a (slow) increase. How do we increase this number though?

There are also other factors as to why people didn’t vote:

  • Happy with any combination of candidates (this was voiced at the AGM)
  • Not aware of voting timeframe, or in the middle of LCA prep/travel (how do we deal with this? Longer voting time? automated pestering of people via email from the membership system?)
  • No/limited choice in executive positions

If we look at the people standing for positions over the years (reproducing this graph from previous post):

It’s quite possible to assume that many people are happy with who’s standing for executive, and not too worried about OCM positions.

There is also no way to express “I’m happy with any combination of candidates” in the election system. The query for “number of members voted” (see the source. incidently, i wish launchpad let you link to line numbers):

$result = $dbh->query("select count(distinct member_id) as count from election_vote where candidate_id in (select id from election_candidate where election_position_id in (select id from election_position where election_id=".$election['id']."))");

So if you didn’t vote for anybody, you’re not counted in having voted. Patches are welcome to fix this :)

If it’s uncontested, then many people just don’t put a 1 in the box. New MemberDB releases (what we’re likely to use for next year) have a drop-down menu of numbers, which may result in less of this. It could also be a few votes against the candidate – in the absence of another choice (or the voter choosing to stand themselves). In any of these scenarios though, it’s not a significant number of votes – all candidates got an overwhelming majority of votes.

I also feel that somebody joining the council who is *not* a new face is a very big plus. We want (and indeed need) people who understand the organisation.

I’d also like to contrast our 66 voting members to the 2006 ACS AGM with only 26 voting members present and the 2007 ACS AGM having 40 voting members present. I was unable to find out details on how many people voted for board members though…

So I don’t think Linux Australia is in a bad place with having 66 people voting… I just think it could be better.

Do we have a mandate? Well… it’s mind-numbingly simple to stand for council – get one other person to nominate you and nominate yourself. The fact that nobody has is a sign it itself (and we do have active members and the broader community watching us).

So… how much email am I storing?

stewart@saturn:~$ time du -sh Maildir
15G    Maildir

real    0m55.749s
user    0m1.008s
sys    0m17.205s

interestingly the tar.bz2 archive of this is only 3.4GB.

It also takes *much* longer to run this on my laptop (over 5 minutes). mmmm… raid.

I’ve also deleted a lot of mailing list mail over the years… i wonder what that would be if i hadn’t….

Linux Australia on Wikipedia needs references added

The Linux Australia entry in Wikipedia, has a “needs references” banner on it. It’d be neat if someone fixed this up (it’s pretty easy to link to the appropriate sources on

In fact… I’ll buy the person a beer (or other beverage of their choice).

South Carolina Senator doesn’t do the first amendment proud…

2009-2010 Bill 56: Profanity – South Carolina Legislature Online

An Australian political party once had the slogan “keep the bastards honest.”

It’s already been mentioned in a /. comment…. but…

Bart: We can say these swears anytime we want because they’re in the Bible!
Milhouse: I don’t think “Leviticus” is a swear.
Bart: Shut the hell up, you damn ass whore!

People on IRC as some measure of a project

#mysql isn’t too fair to include, as it’s really about users, not dev. #mysql-ndb is there because i heart ndb.

Oh, and is there because it’s *awesome* and you should go.

Totally unscientific due to i’m only taking a sample once and whatever… but it kinda interests me…

History of voting in Linux Australia Council elections

Over the past few years (since we’ve been using MemberDB) total number of members voting has looked like this:

Year:Members voted - 2005:57, 2006:110, 2007:63, 2008:65

Year:Members voted - 2005:57, 2006:110, 2007:63, 2008:65

So what does this tell us? Err… Nothing much. Except that we should probably expect about 60-70 votes for this election.

If we look at how many candidates we’ve had for each position, it looks a little bit more interesting:

In this chart I’m using numbers of *candidates*, not nominees. I’m also using numbers that are after we’ve computed the results and already redistributed preferences for existing winners. e.g. if I was standing for President and Vice President and won President, I appear here as a candidate for President and not for VP.

What can we tell here? We don’t have too much choice for P, VP, S or T…  In fact, Google Spreadsheet is just drawing it all over each other so you can’t really tell.

2005 was the last year there was a choice in President. It was also the last year there was a choice for Secretary.

There was a choice of Treasurer in 2006.

There has been a choice of Vice President in 2005, 2007 and 2008.

There has always been a choice for OCM.

It’d be great if we set a record this year for how many people voted (which for those counting means we need 111 votes).

magic number super fun happy time


int Field_timestamp::store(double nr)
  int error= 0;
  if (nr < 0 || nr > 99991231235959.0)
                         nr, DRIZZLE_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
    nr= 0;					// Avoid overflow on buff
    error= 1;
  error|= Field_timestamp::store((int64_t) rint(nr), false);
  return error;

(likely the same in mysql as well… haven’t checked though). these date and time things scare me.

Happy New Year

Yes, it’s somehow gotten to 2009.

Have already:

  • accidently played Guitar Hero World Tour for 8 hours in a day. (I can play Schism on Expert in a band at least)
  • Had to xfsrestore /
  • had to go and buy dishwashing liquid before the dishes could be done
  • procrastinated expense reports and travel booking due to the totally ass systems Sun makes us use
  • had a supreme urge to sit down and watch Buffy start to finish.
  • wanted to do more brewing

Oh, we also brought in the New Year with a few (280) sparklers: