Drizzle7 Beta!

Just in case you missed it, I’m rather thrilled that our latest tarball of Drizzle is named Beta. Specifically, we’re calling it Drizzle7. Seven is a very nice number, and it seems rather appropriate.

This release is for a stand alone database server. A lot of the infrastructure for replication is there (with testing), but the big thing we want to hammer on and get perfect here is Drizzle7 as a stand alone database server.

Can I trust it? If you trust InnoDB to store your data, then yes, you can trust Drizzle (it uses InnoDB too)

What was InnoDB+?

Yes, I said InnoDB+ with a plus sign at the end (also see the first comment here).

Please note that this blog post is only based on public information. It has absolutely nothing in it that I only could have learned from back when I worked at Sun or MySQL AB. Everything has links or pointers to where you can find the information out on the Internet and all thoughts are based on stringing these things together.

There was a lot of talk around the acquisition of Sun Microsystems by Oracle about MySQL (MySQL AB was bought by Sun). Some of the talk centred around Oracle and their ability to make a closed source version of MySQL with added bits that wouldn’t be released as GPL. They’ve since proved that they’re quite willing to do this to an open source project (see OpenSolaris).

Relatively recently, a bunch of history from the old InnoDB SVN trees was imported into the MySQL source tree. You can pull the revision of the SVN tree as of InnoDB Plugin 1.0.6 release by using revid:svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/zip:6263  from the MySQL repository – or just use a branch I’ve put up on launchpad for it (lp:~stewart/haildb/innodb-1.0.6-from-svn).

The first revision from the SVN tree was created on 2005-10-27, which you may remember was not too long after Oracle acquired Innobase on the 7th of October that year. The next two revisions were importing the 5.0 innodb code base, and then the 5.1 code base. Previous history can be found according to this blog post on Transactions on InnoDB.

According to Monty in the comment on the Pythian blog:

Oracle did work on a closed source version of InnoDB, codename InnoDB+, but they never released it, probably because our contract with them stopped them.

and from Eben Moglen’s letter to the EU Commission (via Baron Schwartz’s blog post):

Innobase could therefore have provided an enhanced version of InnoDB, like Oracle’s current InnoDB+, under non-GPL license

Most tellingly is a lot of references in the revision history to “branches/innodb+” as well as this commit:

revno: 0.5.148
revision-id: svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:6329
parent: svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:6322
committer: vasil
timestamp: Thu 2009-12-17 11:00:17 +0000
branches/innodb+: change name and version
Change name from “InnoDB Plugin” to “InnoDB+” and
version from 1.0.5 to 1.0.0.

So, from the revision history I’ve managed to work out that it likely was going to have the following features:

  • innodb_change_buffering (for values other than inserts)
    See revid:svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/zip:4061
    Or, more tellingly revid:svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:4053
    The latter tells about the merge of change buffering for delete-mark and delete in addition to the default of inserts.
  • Possibly compressed tables.
    revid:svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:2316 seems to show that it may have been copied across: “branches/innodb+: Copy from branches/zip r2315” in the comment.  There’s a lot of other merges of branches/zip as well
  • Something named FTS
    There is “branches/fts” in revid:svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:2325 and revid:svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:2324  (there’s an import of a red-black tree implementation)
    If you also look at revid: svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:6776
    you’ll see references to a innofts+ branch with ha_innodb.cc in it.
    So between a red-black tree and handler changes, this is surely something interesting.
  • Persistent statistics (also revid: svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:6776)
  • Metrics Table (also revid: svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:6776)
  • posix_fadvise() hints to temp files used in creating indexes (revid:svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:2342 )
  • Improved recovery performance
    See revid:svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:2989
    Talks about using the red-black tree for sorted insertion into the flush_list
  • native linux aio (revid:svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:3913 )
  • group commit (revid:svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:3923 )
  • New mutex to protect flush_list (revid:svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:6330)

and finally, in revid:svn-v4:16c675df-0fcb-4bc9-8058-dcc011a37293:branches/innodb%2B:6819 you can see the change from “InnoDB+” back to “InnoDB” for being the built in default for MySQL 5.5

LCA Miniconf Call for Papers: Data Storage: Databases, Filesystems, Cloud Storage, SQL and NoSQL

This miniconf aims to cover many of the current methods of data storage and retrieval and attempt to bring order to the universe. We’re aiming to cover what various systems do, what the latest developments are and what you should use for various applications.

We aim for talks from developers of and developers using the software in question.

Aiming for some combination of: PostgreSQL, Drizzle, MySQL, XFS, ext[34], Swift (open source cloud storage, part of OpenStack), memcached, TokyoCabinet, TDB/CTDB, CouchDB, MongoDB, Cassandra, HBase….. and more!

Call for Papers open NOW (Until 22nd October).

Stand Development

On advice from one of the guys at Vanbar (the “local” – meaning still a drive away, but at least in the same city – place for photographic chemicals) I tried stand development for the roll of Efke 25 I had shot at Burning Man.

Stand development differs from normal B&W film development in that a) it takes longer and b) you don’t agitate. You just leave the film sitting in the chemicals for a while…. in this case, one hour. I used Rodinal, which is a pretty nice, easy to use and versatile developer (incidentally, it’s also the oldest photographic chemical still sold and in use – patented in 1891).

Anyway, I got some good images out of it (I think). Here are some from a roll of Lucky 100SHD I shot:
Lebanese Doughnuts @ Oasis Bakery
going riding

and here’s some from the Efke 25 that I shot at Burning Man:
Jay and Suzanne washing up
Mel & Ellery
Yazz and Suzanne

Warnings are now actual problems

Yesterday, I reached a happy milestone in HailDB development. All compiler warnings left in the api/ directory (the public interface to the database engine) are now either probable/possible bugs (that we need to look at closely) or are warnings due to unfinished code (that we should finish).

There’s still a bunch of compiler warnings that we’ve inherited (HailDB compiles with lots of warnings enabled) that we have to get through, but a lot will wait until after we update the core to be based on InnoDB 1.1.