South Carolina Senator doesn’t do the first amendment proud…

2009-2010 Bill 56: Profanity – South Carolina Legislature Online

An Australian political party once had the slogan “keep the bastards honest.”

It’s already been mentioned in a /. comment…. but…

Bart: We can say these swears anytime we want because they’re in the Bible!
Milhouse: I don’t think “Leviticus” is a swear.
Bart: Shut the hell up, you damn ass whore!

People on IRC as some measure of a project

#mysql isn’t too fair to include, as it’s really about users, not dev. #mysql-ndb is there because i heart ndb.

Oh, and is there because it’s *awesome* and you should go.

Totally unscientific due to i’m only taking a sample once and whatever… but it kinda interests me…

History of voting in Linux Australia Council elections

Over the past few years (since we’ve been using MemberDB) total number of members voting has looked like this:

Year:Members voted - 2005:57, 2006:110, 2007:63, 2008:65

Year:Members voted - 2005:57, 2006:110, 2007:63, 2008:65

So what does this tell us? Err… Nothing much. Except that we should probably expect about 60-70 votes for this election.

If we look at how many candidates we’ve had for each position, it looks a little bit more interesting:

In this chart I’m using numbers of *candidates*, not nominees. I’m also using numbers that are after we’ve computed the results and already redistributed preferences for existing winners. e.g. if I was standing for President and Vice President and won President, I appear here as a candidate for President and not for VP.

What can we tell here? We don’t have too much choice for P, VP, S or T…  In fact, Google Spreadsheet is just drawing it all over each other so you can’t really tell.

2005 was the last year there was a choice in President. It was also the last year there was a choice for Secretary.

There was a choice of Treasurer in 2006.

There has been a choice of Vice President in 2005, 2007 and 2008.

There has always been a choice for OCM.

It’d be great if we set a record this year for how many people voted (which for those counting means we need 111 votes).

magic number super fun happy time


int Field_timestamp::store(double nr)
  int error= 0;
  if (nr < 0 || nr > 99991231235959.0)
                         nr, DRIZZLE_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
    nr= 0;					// Avoid overflow on buff
    error= 1;
  error|= Field_timestamp::store((int64_t) rint(nr), false);
  return error;

(likely the same in mysql as well… haven’t checked though). these date and time things scare me.

Happy New Year

Yes, it’s somehow gotten to 2009.

Have already:

  • accidently played Guitar Hero World Tour for 8 hours in a day. (I can play Schism on Expert in a band at least)
  • Had to xfsrestore /
  • had to go and buy dishwashing liquid before the dishes could be done
  • procrastinated expense reports and travel booking due to the totally ass systems Sun makes us use
  • had a supreme urge to sit down and watch Buffy start to finish.
  • wanted to do more brewing

Oh, we also brought in the New Year with a few (280) sparklers:

Drizzle progress… (testing can be good)

We’ve been working on fixing up the remaining test cases so that they run with Drizzle. We’ve found: bugs in Drizzle, bugs in MySQL (one that seems to have been there for at least 10 years), bugs in the tests, tests that no longer apply and occationally, something like this:

/* Please god, will someone rewrite this to be readable :( */
if (to->pack_length() == from->pack_length() &&
!(to->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG && !(from->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG)) &&
to->real_type() != DRIZZLE_TYPE_ENUM &&
(to->real_type() != DRIZZLE_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL || (to->field_length == from->field_length && (((Field_num*)to)->dec == ((Field_num*)from)->dec))) &&
from->charset() == to->charset() &&
to->table->s->db_low_byte_first == from->table->s->db_low_byte_first &&
(!(to->table->in_use->variables.sql_mode & (MODE_NO_ZERO_DATE | MODE_INVALID_DATES)) || (to->type() != DRIZZLE_TYPE_DATE && to->type() != DRIZZLE_TYPE_DATETIME)) &&
(from->real_type() != DRIZZLE_TYPE_VARCHAR || ((Field_varstring*)from)->length_bytes == ((Field_varstring*)to)->length_bytes))
{ // Identical fields
/* This may happen if one does 'UPDATE ... SET x=x' */
if (to->ptr != from->ptr)
return 0;

and no, I haven’t really changed the formatting.

Speaker: MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 – O’Reilly Conferences, April 20 – 23, 2009, Santa Clara, CA

Yes, I’m speaking at  the upcoming MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 – on April 20 – 23 (and yes, it’s in Santa Clara again).

I have three sessions:

MySQL Cluster Tutorial: this time with 6.4 feature goodness. Very hands-on, very interactive.

MySQL Cluster on Windows:  (insert witty text about hating operating system freedom here)

Memory Management in MySQL and Drizzle: not magic setting of buffer variables, but memory allocation and management inside the server, a bunch of malloc() discussion and hopefully some interesting numbers.

VirtualBox 2.1.0 (and OpenSolaris 2008.11)

Upgraded VirtualBox and booted up my OpenSolaris VM. VirtualBox 2.1.0 finally fixes the bug where if was in resolv.conf on the host – no DNS for you in the guest (unless in the guest you were running a DNS server).

Haven’t tried it yet… but OpenGL Accelleration makes at least a checkbox appearance in VirtualBox 2.1…. so that could be rather awesome.

Going a lot better with OpenSolaris 2008.11 than previous releases.. It looks like it might be quite easy to get to the stage of building Drizzle on it.

Just figured out how to change to Dvorak! Yay, I can type again! (Go to Input Methods preference panel and add US/DVORAK as a language, move it to the top, and enable the input method application and do it that way).

Currently installing sunstudioexpress. Why not gcc? I’m pretty sure the version in OpenSolaris is still ancient (so won’t build drizzle) and Sun Studio does produce different warnings (which indicate real bugs in a bunch of cases).

Things I wish were packaged: latest protobufs, latest bzr, gcc 4.x

fixing drizzle on linux sparc

Since I got fed up with Solaris the other day, the T1000 is running Debian. This means that “I’ll care about Drizzle on Linux Sparc”.

OMG were things broken in the most “trivial” ways.

A good quick intro to the issues is Memory alignment on SPARC, or a 300x speedup!

It all comes down to memory alignment.

So I pulled the MySQL 6.0 bzr tree onto the box to try it too… I haven’t seen so many compiler warnings in ages (okay… since I last built MySQL.. drizzle is warning-clean and it makes it hard to remember a time before that). I think it works purely by accident.

So I’m gradually getting all of Drizzle working on Linux Sparc (a few things fixed already).

It’d be great if the T1k had faster disk though (make -j30 is fun… but IO isn’t on a single 160GB 7200rpm disk)… anybody wanting to donate an SSD?

Debian about 1234533 times easier to install than Solaris

After what many hours trying to netboot the T1000 to install Solaris Express, I wondered “how hard is it for debian?”.

Easy. get the sparc64 boot.img, put it on TFTP server, add “filename “boot.img”;” or similar to dhcp, boot the T1000 from the service console something like this “bootmode bootscript=”boot net:dhcp”\n restart -c” and install away!

As for Solaris?

Well… dhcpd.conf:

option space SUNW;
option SUNW.root-mount-options code 1 = text;
option SUNW.root-server-ip-address code 2 = ip-address;
option SUNW.root-server-hostname code 3 = text;
option SUNW.root-path-name code 4 = text;
option SUNW.swap-server-ip-address code 5 = ip-address;
option SUNW.swap-file-path code 6 = text;
option SUNW.boot-file-path code 7 = text;
option SUNW.posix-timezone-string code 8 = text;
option SUNW.boot-read-size code 9 = unsigned integer 16;
option SUNW.install-server-ip-address code 10 = ip-address;
option SUNW.install-server-hostname code 11 = text;
option SUNW.install-path code 12 = text;
option SUNW.sysid-config-file-server code 13 = text;
option SUNW.JumpStart-server code 14 = text;
option SUNW.terminal-name code 15 = text;
option SUNW.SbootURI code 16 = text;

host hurricane {
hardware ethernet 0:14:4f:1e:28:e;
option host-name “hurricane”;
filename “sparc64-etch-boot.img”;
#       filename “sol-nv-b103-sparc”;
#       option SUNW.install-server-ip-address;
#       option SUNW.install-server-hostname “saturn”;
#       option SUNW.install-path “/mnt/sol-nv-b103-sparc/”;
#       option SUNW.root-server-ip-address;
#       option SUNW.root-server-hostname “saturn”;
#       option SUNW.root-path-name “/mnt/sol-nv-b103-sparc/Solaris_11/Tools/Boot”;


(obviously changing the comments around) and having the Solaris Express DVD mounted and NFS exported…. it *still* doesn’t work. It goes “unable to mount filesystem” with no further hints (even when tcpdumping the network).

Documentation for doing the simple thing of using $dhcp_server and $nfs_server to network boot a Solaris install on a Sparc box is *COMPLETELY* missing.

Now, I’m a smart guy (and if you don’t believe that, at least believe I’m not stupid). If I can’t get it to boot the installer, what chance do others have?

I’ll try OpenSolaris out when it’s on SPARC (and please oh please oh please just have an easy way to net boot the installer using a linux host). Please take the debian way (just a single file on tftp).

So now it’s goodbye Solaris (I’m not going to have something I can’t  re-install, upgrade or security patch) and it’s hello Debian (and sanity).

Yes, this does mean I’ll care about Drizzle on Linux Sparc.

The probability of failure is 1.

While reading Baron’s take on 5.1, I saw Mark‘s comment and part of it stuck with me:

And this is a huge problem when you run replication over a flaky network.

When you have a probability of error, there is a number of machines you can run to ensure you *always* have a failure. This number of machines is much less than you think.