New Qantas safety scare – National –
This was my flight to LAX the other day. fun.
New Qantas safety scare – National –
This was my flight to LAX the other day. fun.
Here for the MySQL All Company Meeting. Arrived okay… albeit late (got to stop in two cities I didn’t intend to). Had breakfast with Monty, Monty and Giuseppe and a few cups of coffee later… it sorta feels like morning.
The other day, I accepted the nomination for President of Linux Australia in the upcoming election. The following, is the spiel I’ve put up to help make my case for electing me:
Hi, I’m Stewart Smith and I want to be the president of Linux Australia in 2008.
I have previously served on the Linux Australia committee both as Vice President and as an Ordinary Committee Member.
This year, I’m running on the following platform:
– Keep the organisation solvent (if we loose money, we go broke and don’t have an organisation any more… which likely means no LCA, which would be a disaster).
– Ensure an awesome LCA is organised for 2009
– Improve processes, especially in finances and book keeping
– Use LA’s resources for more things directly benefiting members (including investigating member services, talking to government to ensure Australian law is friendly to the needs of our members, supporting LUGs)
– Be inclusive and in touch with members, and what’s holding back other people becoming members.
In addition to being on the LA committee previously, I’ve also been on the LUV committee, am currently helping with LCA08 things and was rather active back in the (not too distant) past at my university. I’ve co-authored two books related to free software (Practical MythTV and the MySQL 5.1 Cluster Certification Study Guide), currently work for MySQL as a Senior Software Engineer on MySQL Cluster and live in Melbourne.
I’m also the author of this membership and voting software, MemberDB – and no, it’s not rigged but yes, it is free software.
Just before Christmas, I bought myself a new stereo. This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while and one of those things that takes some care in looking at because it’s a non-trivial amount of cash.
I’ve ended up with B&W 683 speakers, an Arcam amplifier and CD player (Tivoli HiFi had a special on saving about $800+ on the amp and CD when bought with speakers).
The basic summary is that this sounds awesome. Tool especially sounds awesome. The only real downside is that i’m starting to get really used to this as the standard of audio I listen to.
Even better, no complaints from neighbours (yet).
So I finally installed the xdebug PHP extension and started doing some performance analysis of MemberDB using xdebug and kcachegrind. The upshot of which is a number of commits to the bzr tree that dramatically improve performance in several key areas. The answer? Caching.
I’m not even talking using memcached or caching things in database tables or anything like that – just about everything is still the same dynamically produced content as before, but I’m now caching some simple things avoiding many round-trips to the database while executing a script.
There were a few things that were taking a fair bit of execution time:
I used the faithful Apache Bench (ab) to do benchmarks against the modified PHP code. I think the biggest improvement was the view election page which went from about 6seconds/page to 0.2seconds/page.
A friend of mine has a HP 6710b (if i remember the model name correctly). Bluetooth wasn’t working. Nada… not even a USB device showing up in lsusb for the inbuilt bluetooth.
It turns out, if you disable the bluetooth radio from the Windows thingy, it does something you cannot undo from Linux (at least with Ubuntu Gutsy) .
Except… after hours of fucking around, we reset the BIOS to default settings and this made it work.
Yep, no option in the BIOS setup to do this (there’s an Enable/Disable switch… but that doesn’t fix this problem). But a reset does it.
I really hope this saves somebody else the hours of “fun” we had.
Sometime in what we laughingly call the past (okay… the last week) I used a (slight) modification to this Basic white bread recipe and baked bread. Today, I’m doing it again. Why on earth I’m baking in hot weather is another question…. but anyway. The only real change to the recipe was using vegetable oil (just normal cheap cooking oil) instead of butter (i.e. to make it Vegan).
Last time I made the bread it was quite good – the crust was totally awesome. Hopefully will be this time too. Maybe I’ll even take pictures :)
I was inspired by this recipe: Best Vegan Choc Chip Cookies! and slightly modified it. Namely, I didn’t seem to have any maple syrup, so I used Golden syrup and i wasn’t sure it was chocolately enough, so added 1/3rd cup cocoa powder.
I quite like the outcome, and so at least does Michael – so it so far gets one friend approval.
The complete recipe (what I did, not exactly what’s at the link):
and then:
Neither of the books I’ve been an author of has been just me. For Practical MythTV (Christmas is coming, buy it for all your TV and tech loving friends!), Michael Still and I worked hard to get a well rounded and practical (not to mention good) book. I think we succeeded – certainly has gotten positive reviews (check the amazon page).
For my second endeavor (just to make it fun, I was working on both at the same time) we have a much longer list of authors. The aim was to write a study guide for those wishing to be certified in MySQL Cluster. Being a developer with a fair bit of knowledge in the product (and somebody who also presents and writes) – I was a natural fit to join the team (some may say “roped into the team”… and they could possibly be me, but I couldn’t possibly comment).
My fellow authors:
So, the book is now shipping, from (an on-demand printing service) for $49.99USD.
MySQL 5.1 Cluster DBA Certification Study Guide by Jon Stephens, Mike Kruckenberg, Roland Bouman, Stewart Smith, Solomon Chang
It feels good to have it out there now. Daniel va Eeden has received his copy (shipping box and all!). This is another book you should buy for all your database friends everybody you’ve ever met.
All useful software is buggy.
Sitting in the last lightning talk session of OSDC2007 and in a couple of hours will be (surprise) jumping on a plane back home.
Has been a good and interesting conference. Met cool people, done cool hacking and chatting around the place.
Gave my talk today, and seemed to go down well…. at least Paul Fenwick liked it :)
Bug ID: 6493264 Solaris libc should provide posix_memalign
At least it’s acknowledged as a problem :)
Although I now have to go and implement it in the NDB portlib.
I wish we could drop support for everything other than linux 2.6… would make this stuff a lot nicer.
So Rusty gave me this idea for simulating crashes in libeatmydata to check durability of application data with stuff hitting the rust in interesting ways. Preserving fsync barriers, but mucking with the data before the last one and crashing. Then, recovery should all work.
Interesting… something to soon hack on…
Following my successful talk “Eat My Data: How Everybody Gets POSIX File I/O Wrong“, I started to feel the need to easily be able to have my data eaten.
Okay, not quite. However, when you’ve written your software properly, so it uses fsync() correctly, opening files with O_SYNC or whatever – tests take longer as you’re having to wait for things to hit the rust.
So….. to the rescue! With a POSIX compliant fsync() (that does nothing) and filtering on open(2), it can take your test run times down dramatically.
The only time you shouldn’t use it for your tests is when you end up crashing the machine to test durability (i.e. when the OS doesn’t have the opportunity to cleanly write out the data to disk).
See the libeatmydata project page:
and the bazaar repository:
(it’s seemed to have saved somewhere between 20 and 30% of the time for innodb/ndb tests in mysql-test-run).
Mail me for details! (Obviously only really applicable if you’re in Melbourne this Saturday night)
Running MythTV on XFS? Noticed that all your recordings end up rather fragmented? (use xfs_bmap to find out) Well, the culprit is MythTV not being too nice to the file system. Good news is, it’s rather fixable.
From the MythTV source code, edit libs/libmythtv/ThreadedFileWrite.cpp and look for the following:
void ThreadedFileWriter::Sync(void)
if (fd >= 0)
You then want to, after the first squiggly bracket (a { ) put in a “return;” so that it looks like this:
void ThreadedFileWriter::Sync(void)
if (fd >= 0)
Recompile MythTV and go!
(Before anybody says, yes – this patch could be neater and all that… I just haven’t had time yet).
Old (In previous patchset too):
Feedback much appreciated.
I’m speaking at the upcoming VITTA conference.
Title:MySQL database administration for non DBAs
Abstract: MySQL is incredibly ubiquitous. MySQL database administrators are not everywhere; MySQL is. Often MySQL is run to power a small web site or two, an application or two, or run on a machine purely for someone else’s use (and the install made MySQL just work so you don’t have to care). This session goes over the things you need to know about your MySQL installations to keep them healthy without burdening you with work, including MySQL Basics, installation, security, backup, restore, performance and upgrades.
When: 12:15 PM, Wednesday 21 November 2007
Should be fun!