(The weird thing is that the reason behind this post has nothing to do with being in Japan)
Author Archives: Stewart Smith
Harry Potter OOTP Wii Game
When in the throphy room and Hermione keeps telling you to cast Reducto, don’t (she is, in fact, very wrong). Instead, think about what should be in the cabinets you’re repairing.
How not to get a sensible response on a mailing list/web forum
For a start, you shouldn’t be using a web forum. Are you too stupid to use email or what?
Ask yourself, does your question boil down to “pls do my job 4 me. kthxbye” (because it’s in stupid speak because it’s an obviously stupid question to be asking). If it does, don’t post it. Instead, RTFFM (where F is for Fine…. at least one of them is anyway), look at the archives. You will then find approximately eleventy-billion messages pointing you to exactly the right tool and docs to let you answer your question – easily.
Talking about Facebook is prohibited
Productivity will be reduced due to Wii goodness.
5 star reviews
2 out of 2 reviews on Amazon for “Practical MythTV” are 5 stars. That’s a good feeling.
Although 1,000,000 copies sold would be an even better one :)
Applying BK produced patches with new files using patch…
So, if anybody is crazy enough to grab patches from the commits@lists.mysql.com list and try and use them… you may have run into this problem (which I do every few weeks/months): new files aren’t created. That’s right kids, BitKeeper (or at least the post-commit hook that mails out the patches) produces patch files where new files are in a completely different format than GNU patch expects. Not even BK can import these patches (bk import -temail or -tpatch just don’t do it).
So… I present this script – unfuck_bk_patches.pl which once run across a patch that includes new files, allows you to apply it using patch (or, for example, quilt).
I release it under the “sworn at software license”… which means you’re allowed to do anything you want with it as long as at some point you have sworn at computer software for being crappy.
thoughts on MySQL release cycle
Thoughts on latest changes:
- don’t think there’s really much to it.
- I rather disagree with this slashdot headline (MySQL Closing Off Its Source) as I just don’t think it’s true.
However, I have other thoughts (that are a lot more interesting to discuss):
We should:
- Release major version every 6 months. e.g. N.0, N.2, N.
- Odd numbers are used during the 6months of development, with very frequent releases. In fact, with a strict policy of keeping pushbuild green, you could automate this. Yes, some of these releases would be utter shit due to whatever problem seeped in. Get over it – it’s called a development release.
- No new features merged for last 3 months of cycle for release.
- source only releases… if you can’t build from source then you’re too stupid to run this. (or, diplomatically “you shouldn’t run this”)
- For features that take longer than 3 months, we can have a “-proposed” patch set. i.e. a staging area for new things before they go in.
- Minor versions to latest N.x when needed (N.x.z)
- Until the next N.x version, where N.x-1 is forgotten. I mean forgotten as in no patches at all… others can if they care.
- Pick a N.x and support it for Y years (a good N.x that is)
- i.e. provide N.x.z
- this can be our “RHEL” so to speak.
- fixes go here.
- call it ‘enterprise’ or whatever.
Past problems:
- 5.0 took too long to get to a real GA status
- A bunch of things were broken in that release cycle… Although I joined it relatively late.
- It’s been a decent release for a good while now, so that’s a good thing.
- 5.1 has taken too long to get to GA
- good news is that 5.1 at GA should be a lot better than 5.0 at GA
- As a developer I can honestly say I think we’ve improved processes a lot for making sure that a release doesn’t suck.
- and as a result of this… I feel like 5.1 is the release where a lot of this stuff is fixed, and others should go a lot smoother.
- It’s passed the dot-twenty rule for a release that doesn’t annoy you.
There are a lot of things looking good and being done right too (or if not right, a lot better than a year or two ago). e.g.
- NDB -telco (Carrier Grade Edition) releases
- worklog (open to the wider web)
- forge
- bugs db
- commits, code reviews and all that
Things we should fix with commits, code review and all that:
- drop the commits list all together except for crazy people.
- everything posted to internals@lists for review, and reviews take place there
- or IRC or whatever… but outcome posted there
- hrrm… i should make people do that to get me to review things… (i.e. i should listen to myself)
Things we should fix internally:
- We should have 20% time… if only for random MySQL related things… lots of cool stuff has come out of engineers just hacking… even when we weren’t 100% meant to.
Things I don’t think will happen but could be useful…:
- dropping commercially licensed product
- It would be really nice to use GPL licensed libraries around the place instead of either having #ifdef or reinventing the wheel.
What if it all goes proprietary:
- Some people speculate this could happen. Well, what then happens is a crapload of engineers leave the company – and not on good terms. So at least unlikely to happen without a massive implosion.
- I’ll say it here: if the code I’m writing isn’t available under the GPL (or other good free software license), I’m looking for work (and you should contact me with offers).
My thoughts on the non-free Network Monitoring and Advisory Service:
- It’s not free software… so really isn’t interesting to me personally.
- Others see it differently and attach value to it – good for them. I hear it makes us money as well – which does keep me in adequate supplies of scotch.
- I have used it a bit and it is quite neat – so hats off for a neat product.
P.S. there’s nothing here I wouldn’t say to anybody… and they’re welcome to disagree (and they do… sometimes even for good reasons).
New Intel mobo not even booting….
This morning, found this blog post:
Herman Bos » Blog Archive » Got new hardware (DG965WH); yay; doesn’t even boot
Normally Linux doesn’t need to have its partition marked with the boot flag (windows does), so I didn’t really guess something like this myself. But it seems that the Intel BIOS checks the partition table and only agrees to boot from a disk if a partition is marked with the boot flag.
Intel, you utter, utter cocks.
kpresenter, doesn’t
(after apt-get install kpresenter)
$ kpresenter
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 170
Major opcode:Â 146
Minor opcode:Â 3
Resource id:Â 0x0
Failed to open device
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 170
Major opcode:Â 146
Minor opcode:Â 3
Resource id:Â 0x0
Failed to open device
koffice (lib kofficecore): ERROR: kpresenterpart.desktop not found.
koffice (lib kofficecore): ERROR: Run ‘kde-config –path services’ to see which directories were searched, assuming kde startup had the same environment as your current shell.
koffice (lib kofficecore): ERROR: Check your installation (did you install KOffice in a different prefix than KDE, without adding the prefix to /etc/kderc ?)
OpenOffice.org Impress does not.
stab stab stab.
Backup solution for mum…
Dear Lazyweb,
I really want a GNOME application with a big button that says “backup” and proceeds to ask for a series of DVDs, on which it writes out everything on the hard disk (/ and /home) which can then (relatively easily) be used to restore the system.
I figure this would work for mum.
The old “drag and drop onto a blank DVD” doesn’t really work:
- things get bigger than 1 DVD (e.g. Photos)
- Important things like mail and bookmarks are hidden away in special dot folders (begging the question “so how do I back up my email?”)
Even a GUI around xfsdump that split the dump file into DVD sized chunks would be great…
gah… O_DIRECT…. 2.4…. non xfs… stab stab
* dchinner hands MacPlusG3 a bigger knife….
(on #xfs yesterday)
We’re hiring…
Know how to do C/C++ on Win32 and Linux/UNIX? In Melbourne? Want some contract work (we also have permanent positions that you may be suitable for) – email me your resume (in plain text) NOW!
linux.conf.au 2008 Mini-Conf Selection
So, last night a group of us sat down and went through all the mini-conf proposals for linux.conf.au 2008
There were a lot of proposals. There were also a lot of good ones.
We’re not announcing anything yet… but in the interest of openness… here’s the procedure.
We started out as any responsible group of selectors would…. looking at the proposals over beer:
a few jokes thrown in… frank discussion and all that. But really, we came to the conclusion that it’d been all done before and we needed to somehow narrow down all the excellent suggestions…
Luckily, the pub we were meeting at had the right facilities!
And we went about selecting a few more…
Of course, there are simply some mini-confs that we all agreed were a must have…Â although nothing was certain…
One of the more hilarious suggestions of the evening was to force somebody to organise a PostgreSQL miniconf, convince Marten to hold a MySQL company meeting in Melbourne around Jan 2008 and have all of MySQL AB come and sit in the back of the room for the PostgreSQL miniconf.
productive day
I’m not quite sure how to feel about this but I feel today has been more productive than all of last week. hrrm..
MySQL Storage Engine API Gotcha #42
(Filling 1 through 41 is an exercise left to the reader… I just like the number 42)
handler::info can be called on a handler that has never had ::exeternal_lock called. So if you rely on a call to handler::external_lock to set up something (e.g. a pointer to a transaction object), you may explode in a heap.
See: Bug#26793
Backup and Recovery (the book)
A little while ago now, I did some tech reviewing of a book called Backup & Recovery… specifically MySQL related things (and MySQL Cluster). Curtis was kind enough to send me a copy of the book as well – and I’ve been reading the rest of it bits at a time since I got it.
I’m rather impressed… it gives a good mix of overview and digging deeper on just about every way to back up and recover systems. It also discusses several products that I didn’t know about (and have partly investigated now because of it).
It also has good sections on process: as in how to decide what to backup, encouraging the use of checklists and all that. Heck… recently when doing a restore I realised I never backed up /boot (annoying, not catastrophic… as I know my way around).
I recommend getting a copy of it if you need to back up and restore systems and don’t know everything already.
MythTV and poor quality DVB reception
So… I’ve been getting really poor DVB reception recently. I mean bad…. as in next to nothing is getting recorded… and anything HD is more noise than image (or sound).
A symptom of this is that the mythbackend (and indeed frontend) can crash when processing really bad MPEG2 (recording) files. So, if you get poor reception and crashing frontend/backend.. this is probably why.
Even loading the list of recordings from MythWeb can be problematic (as it has to generate the preview image).
Just something to watch out for… hopefully i’ll track it down a bit and be able to file a sensible bug report.
Another positive review for Practical MythTV!
Over at fosswire.com, there’s a review of Practical MythTV. Here the copy of the book was provided by our publisher, Apress – who are getting some copies out there to people to look at and review (and the reviews are positive which is great news for us!).
You can get Practical MythTV from Amazon for under $20USD at the moment… which is pretty cool.