Building the MySQL GUI tools on Debian

sudo apt-get install libgtkmm2.0-dev libglade2-0 \
libglade2-dev libgtkhtml3.0-4 libgtkhtml3.0-dev \
libxml2 libxml2-dev uuid-dev libuuid1

Then, grab the source trees (mysql-gui-common, mysql-administrator, mysql-query-browser). You should probably grab source tarballs rather than using the BK trees… I had to edit some files to get it to build – but that’s probably just today. Tomorrow it will be a different story.

you’ll want to add the path to mysql_config to your PATH

cd mysql-gui-common; sh ./ –prefix=/whatever/you/want && make && make install

cd ../mysql-adiministrator; sh ./ –prefix=/whatever/you/want && make && make install

cd ../mysql-query-browser; sh ./ –prefix=/whatever/you/want && make && make install

you should then be able to run them and connect to a mysql server

Epson C65 on Ubuntu Linux (and Debian)

Quite easy to get going under Warty (as well as Debian Sid).

Add a printer (System Configuration -> Printers, double click ‘Add Printer’). Select Local Printer, “USB Printer #1” as the port, then, select the model as Epson Stylus C64. Works fine.

I guess you can fiddle with quality settings and everything – but I haven’t yet.

This is the printer that was bought for mum – and it’s working fine for her.

now…. only to find a printer for me….

i print rarely, but when I do, i want it to work. Inkjets have not worked well for me in the past in this regard (spending 10 minutes running head cleaning and replacing cartridges because they’ve half dried up is not fun).

I’m thinking laser. Konica Minolta seems to have a 2430DL colour laser with network and GPL Linux drivers for $499USD (about $800AUD i think… finding prices today). You have to love it when they have a tux on their site :)

A duplexer would be nice too – i like having double sided print outs (yay – the greenie hippy in me is working hard).

BK emacs integration

I finally got around to installing the bk-emacs integration that i cloned way back when. Seems useful enough. I do like emacs – some things I do wish were better (especially how to get started – it’s annoying having to learn weird keys for things). But, once you know it – it’s great! Very fast to navigate around and very powerful (and customisable to whatever you’re doing atm).


although the web is probably better :)

Going Hoary on the Desktop

Downloading hoary-install-i386.iso and will soon be Ubuntu on my desktop machine. There is no doubt that my laptop will shortly follow (shipping a kernel with benh’s sleep patch for my albook will make me an instant-switch).

The main thing I want to make sure of is that they build their kernels with sane enough options for XFS.

sydney meeting

I’m in Sydney for the weekend for a Linux Australia committee meeting. This will be the third year I’ve been on the LA committee.

So, if you’re in Sydney and want to join us for a drink and a discussion – get in contact (la committee, me, or ppl on the slug list should know).

Lots to discuss and talk about, should be good.

helping in public forums

So, what’s my deal with helping out in public forums?

we seem to all be a helpful lot at mysql… hanging out in the web based forums at (for some obscure reason, some people actually like web based forums. give me usenet anyday), or on the lists (like the cluster list) and in #mysql on freenode.

i guess i help where i can (and it’s quick, or a likely bug, or when it’s a good idea to clearly document something). Also, reading the forum/list can help me learn some stuff too.

I less enjoy it when it is “Distributing (basic) clue to users”. Especially when it’s just simple bloody obvious things. People tend to actually have well thought out questions on a list. IRC it tends to be different.

although i wont go and spend time investigating something for a list/forum Q. I figure that if i have to expend effort, then it’s probably something that should be put to support – as in paid support.

I remember asking for a fair bit of handholding into GNU Arch. But that is a bit of a “once it clicks, it’s all good”, and i was trying to get into it before there was the wiki and stuff with lots of useful info and stuff.

although this is just my ramblings and thoughts… will have to look up if there’s any actual policy on this.

GnomeAbout stuff

As far as I can work out, this is a good handler to make sure that an About box is shown every time you select Help->About from the menu (i should really look at some other project’s code).

void on_about1_activate(GtkWidget *w)
GtkWidget *about;
GladeXML *xml = glade_xml_new (PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR"/", "about", NULL);
about = glade_xml_get_widget (xml, "about");
gtk_widget_show (about);

the next version of ubuntu

the preview live CD is out. got the ppc and x86 ones and tried it on my laptop and desktop respectively. Went pretty well. It did video mirroring (and not xinerama) on my desktop, which is annoying, but nobody else does it right either.

the pcmcia wireless card worked out of the box on my laptop. This is pretty impressive – i just had to put my WEP key in.

When Hoary Hedgehog is released, I’m actually very tempted to switch (assuming, of course, that i get sleep support!)

another hot day

Well… it’s nearly 1pm and it’s 32 degrees. It’s warm – probably feels like that because it’s been about 30 degrees since i started working. It’s a few degrees colder in the office (which is good).

public holiday tomorrow, which is good. Although if we should have a holiday for what is essentially Invasion Day is a bit undecided. Back in the 80s and 90s we would have had this debate – but Australian society has headed towards the lunatic right and seems incapable of proper thought, argument and debate. It also okay with human rights violations, torture and the imprisonment of children.

As we increasingly move towards an education system that’s based on ability to pay, not academic ability – i don’t think it’s a time for celebrating Australia as it is.

I’ll be with friends tomorrow, enjoying some time together, as we are fond to do.