South Carolina Senator doesn’t do the first amendment proud…

2009-2010 Bill 56: Profanity – South Carolina Legislature Online

An Australian political party once had the slogan “keep the bastards honest.”

It’s already been mentioned in a /. comment…. but…

Bart: We can say these swears anytime we want because they’re in the Bible!
Milhouse: I don’t think “Leviticus” is a swear.
Bart: Shut the hell up, you damn ass whore!

Happy New Year

Yes, it’s somehow gotten to 2009.

Have already:

  • accidently played Guitar Hero World Tour for 8 hours in a day. (I can play Schism on Expert in a band at least)
  • Had to xfsrestore /
  • had to go and buy dishwashing liquid before the dishes could be done
  • procrastinated expense reports and travel booking due to the totally ass systems Sun makes us use
  • had a supreme urge to sit down and watch Buffy start to finish.
  • wanted to do more brewing

Oh, we also brought in the New Year with a few (280) sparklers:

VirtualBox 2.1.0 (and OpenSolaris 2008.11)

Upgraded VirtualBox and booted up my OpenSolaris VM. VirtualBox 2.1.0 finally fixes the bug where if was in resolv.conf on the host – no DNS for you in the guest (unless in the guest you were running a DNS server).

Haven’t tried it yet… but OpenGL Accelleration makes at least a checkbox appearance in VirtualBox 2.1…. so that could be rather awesome.

Going a lot better with OpenSolaris 2008.11 than previous releases.. It looks like it might be quite easy to get to the stage of building Drizzle on it.

Just figured out how to change to Dvorak! Yay, I can type again! (Go to Input Methods preference panel and add US/DVORAK as a language, move it to the top, and enable the input method application and do it that way).

Currently installing sunstudioexpress. Why not gcc? I’m pretty sure the version in OpenSolaris is still ancient (so won’t build drizzle) and Sun Studio does produce different warnings (which indicate real bugs in a bunch of cases).

Things I wish were packaged: latest protobufs, latest bzr, gcc 4.x

Debian about 1234533 times easier to install than Solaris

After what many hours trying to netboot the T1000 to install Solaris Express, I wondered “how hard is it for debian?”.

Easy. get the sparc64 boot.img, put it on TFTP server, add “filename “boot.img”;” or similar to dhcp, boot the T1000 from the service console something like this “bootmode bootscript=”boot net:dhcp”\n restart -c” and install away!

As for Solaris?

Well… dhcpd.conf:

option space SUNW;
option SUNW.root-mount-options code 1 = text;
option SUNW.root-server-ip-address code 2 = ip-address;
option SUNW.root-server-hostname code 3 = text;
option SUNW.root-path-name code 4 = text;
option SUNW.swap-server-ip-address code 5 = ip-address;
option SUNW.swap-file-path code 6 = text;
option SUNW.boot-file-path code 7 = text;
option SUNW.posix-timezone-string code 8 = text;
option SUNW.boot-read-size code 9 = unsigned integer 16;
option SUNW.install-server-ip-address code 10 = ip-address;
option SUNW.install-server-hostname code 11 = text;
option SUNW.install-path code 12 = text;
option SUNW.sysid-config-file-server code 13 = text;
option SUNW.JumpStart-server code 14 = text;
option SUNW.terminal-name code 15 = text;
option SUNW.SbootURI code 16 = text;

host hurricane {
hardware ethernet 0:14:4f:1e:28:e;
option host-name “hurricane”;
filename “sparc64-etch-boot.img”;
#       filename “sol-nv-b103-sparc”;
#       option SUNW.install-server-ip-address;
#       option SUNW.install-server-hostname “saturn”;
#       option SUNW.install-path “/mnt/sol-nv-b103-sparc/”;
#       option SUNW.root-server-ip-address;
#       option SUNW.root-server-hostname “saturn”;
#       option SUNW.root-path-name “/mnt/sol-nv-b103-sparc/Solaris_11/Tools/Boot”;


(obviously changing the comments around) and having the Solaris Express DVD mounted and NFS exported…. it *still* doesn’t work. It goes “unable to mount filesystem” with no further hints (even when tcpdumping the network).

Documentation for doing the simple thing of using $dhcp_server and $nfs_server to network boot a Solaris install on a Sparc box is *COMPLETELY* missing.

Now, I’m a smart guy (and if you don’t believe that, at least believe I’m not stupid). If I can’t get it to boot the installer, what chance do others have?

I’ll try OpenSolaris out when it’s on SPARC (and please oh please oh please just have an easy way to net boot the installer using a linux host). Please take the debian way (just a single file on tftp).

So now it’s goodbye Solaris (I’m not going to have something I can’t  re-install, upgrade or security patch) and it’s hello Debian (and sanity).

Yes, this does mean I’ll care about Drizzle on Linux Sparc.

The probability of failure is 1.

While reading Baron’s take on 5.1, I saw Mark‘s comment and part of it stuck with me:

And this is a huge problem when you run replication over a flaky network.

When you have a probability of error, there is a number of machines you can run to ensure you *always* have a failure. This number of machines is much less than you think.

What constitutes an identifier for a table?

Well… there’s:

  • database
  • table name

(both of these are quite obvious).

But then you have:

  • temporary tables

Well… two types of temporary tables:

  • those created in the course of query execution, typically in /tmp/
  • those created during ALTER TABLE, typically in the database directory

You may have seen these “#sql-foo.frm” etc files around.

but you can also CREATE TABLE `#sql-foo` (you know, because that’s a good string to use in your app). In fact, you can (and shouldn’t) create a table with the exact same name as the temporary #sql table and use it in your app.

So really the primary key for a table is: string database name, string table name, bool is_tmp. Oh, and the /tmp/ temporary tables just to screw with your braiiiinn.

In drizzle, this is what the storage engine API is ending up looking like. It’s the responsibility of the engine to encode the temporary table names so that they don’t clash with the non-temporary table names. This could be done by putting them in a different set of files, marking them with som eflag, or just passing the is_tmp flag to build_table_filename (or make_table_key) and being done with it.

I think this ends up being the least-hacky approach and it does mean we can remove the bass ackwards if(table_name[0]==’#’) checks from some engines.

What VERSION in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES means (hint: not what you think)

It’s the FRM file format version number.

It’s not the version of the table as one might expect (i.e. after CREATE it’s 1. Then, if you ALTER, it’s 2. Alter again 3 etc).

In Drizzle, we now return 0.

In future, I plan that Drizzle will allow the engine to say what version it is (where 0 is “dunno”).

This’ll be a good step towards being able to cope with multiple versions of a table in use at once (and making sense of this to the user).

phrase from nearest book

from elliot: phrase from nearest book

  • Grab the nearest book.
  • Open it to page 56.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
  • Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.

My result:

“A lot of UN staff call themselves human rights experts but need a shoulder to cry on each time there’s a killing”

– Emergency Sex (and other desperate measures)
Kenneth Cain, Heidi Postlewait and Andrew Thomson

Perhaps you’re not all stupid…. although…

As we (the rest of the world) heave a huge sigh of relief at the result of the US Presidential election it’s morning here and I’m happy that Obama is the president elect.

However, it looks like Proposition 8 will get up in California. EPIC FAIL. I hope the remaining ballots tip the result in the other direction, I really do.

I don’t see how the state (where state includes country and state… i.e. governments) has any right to legislate anything to do with human relationships.

What is marriage? Beyond the personal committment between consenting adults, it sets up a few things in case one party is incapacitated or dies. So why don’t we have a set of forms for this information?

In case I’m unable to make my own medical decisions, a list of people who (in order) I want to make them for me. If I’m not married, surely I still have a right to say who gets to make medical decisions for me.

On the “who gets my stuff when I die” front, a legal will pretty much covers that.

Some places seem to have tax benefits if you’re married… which to me is much like the government interfering in something that is none of its business. Surely being with a partner is its own reward, not something you do for tax incentives.

So you’re left with things like: shared property if relationship ends, right to adopt, access to fertility treatment etc

Shared property: How is this different from “two friends buy a house together, share it. they then fall out/decide to sell and there is dispute as one put more $$ into it”? It’s not, it’s just on a larger scale.

All I can say on who gets to reproduce is that it is surely a child is best raised by people who love them and can provide them with a safe, nurturing and positive environment.

Solution? Abolish Marriage.

Well… at least any legal definition thereof and everybody can live happily ever after.

Except that’s not what the issue is. It’s a debate between those who believe in personal freedom and right to live as you choose (on the proviso that it does not cause harm to others) and those who do not.

I have exactly zero time for those who think abortion should be illegal. When no child on this earth dies of hunger or easily preventative disease, I will then hear your argument. Odds are I will disagree with you, but until that day, you are just heartless.

But for the moment, we have until January 20th to see what more Bush/Cheney can do to make Americans constantly apologise for their country.

There is a great deal of hope for Obama, so I say this: don’t fuck up.

(Oh, and please don’t follow our new guys and try and erect a great internet firewall… because the club of countries that do that: Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, and Syria is one you really want to be part of).

I remain cautiously optimistic.

MySQL Cluster (NDB) on Win32 progress

Many things have been happenning in the land of NDB on Win32 as of late.

I’ve fixed about 700 compiler warnings (some of which were real bugs) leaving about 161 to go on Win32 (VS2003). We’re getting a few more warnings on Win64 (some of which look merely semantic, while others could be real bugs), but the main focus now is getting 32bit going really well.

I fixed a number of bugs that were around preventing lots of things from working properly:

Disk Data (i.e. CREATE TABLESPACE, CREATE LOGFILE GROUP, and CREATE TABLE… TABLESPACE ts1 STORAGE DISK) now works. The main problem here was that our filesystem abstraction layer for the NDB kernel (ndbd) once had a Win32 port… which has sorely bitrotted over the years. As new features were introduced to the file IO interface, they (of course) weren’t also added to the Win32 abstraction. In the disk data case, the OM_INIT feature, which on FSOPENREQ (open a file) allows data to be passed in for initialising the file. Previously, I fixed this to allocate the file on disk and create a file of the same size, but i didn’t add the feature that writes initial data to the file. This caused bugs as soon as you tried to use the disk data tables (the files weren’t initialised, so you hit asserts on corrupt disk data files).

Paths in the server: for whatever bizarre and stupid reason, the MySQL server can end up having paths to a table as ./database/table OR .\database\table. The latter *never* shows up on non-Win32 platforms but can *sometimes* show up on Win32. Ick ick ick ick. Anyway, we (in the NDB handler) weren’t dealing with this properly, causing problems around some metadata ops.

Our pushbuild system takes each push to a source tree, builds it on a variety of platfroms and runs the test suite. The Win32 hosts are actually running on vmware. In order to make tests run faster, on Linux we use /dev/shm for the data files. Microsoft Windows doesn’t have a good ram disk, so we create a file on /dev/shm on the host and map that as a drive inside Windows (and format it as NTFS). This drive is only 1GB. This is not enough disk space for running all the clusters (yes, plural) started by the test suite (and everything would die with ENOSPC). The workaround I’ve come up with is that for debug builds, we simply enable NTFS file compression on files ndbd creates.

Win64 is also working! Pushbuild builds and runs on 64bit, and the Win64 host is building with NDB and passing about the same amount of tests as the Win32 hosts!

The bad news is that the NDB with replication tests are pretty much all failing… so I’m fairly confident that cluster replication is very broken on Win32 (and 64) at the moment.

I’ve had to do a fair amount of fixing on a bunch of the test cases (mainly to do with finding where various NDB utilities are). They’ve also prompted fixes in NDB (automatically converting / to \ in ndbd on Win32 for CREATE DATAFILE/UNDOFILE).

If you want to give it a go – you can get the source from launchpad. Either in the mysql-5.1-telco-6.4 tree, or if you want a few more things fixed, always have a look at the mysql-5.1-telco-6.4-win tree. Hopefully both are synced with the latest internal trees (i.e. plain 6.4 is working on win32) by the time you read this.

Iggy and I discussed installers for NDB on Windows in Riga, and we should have something soon-ish for those of you who don’t build from source.

evolution-data-server even worse (is that possible?)

Just caught it using 713MB of resident memory. What the fuck? I don’t even have Evolution running! There’s only the clock applet (which does pull things out of calendar i guess…).

Does Evolution win the prize for worst piece of free software yet?

new NetworkManager VPNC not better at all (in fact, much worse)

I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 the other day, NetworkManager promptly forgot my wireless LAN key (grr… lucky I keep a copy in a text file) as well as my VPN configuration. It’s also changed the UI for entering what specific networks to route over the VPN (’cause the last thing you want is putting all your traffic through VPN when you have a perfectly good internet connection here… or even worse, I do *not* need to go via Sydney or the US to access the machine 2ft from me thank you very much).

Generally not happy with the new NetworkManager.