previously, we had the idea of an election candidate:
create table election_candidate (
id serial unique not null,
election_position_id int not null,
approved boolean,
member_id int not null,
spiel text,
CONSTRAINT "election_candidate_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT "election_candidate_election_position_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (org_id) references election_position(id) on update restrict,
CONSTRAINT "election_candidate_member_id" FOREIGN KEY (member-id) references current_memberships(id)
-- FIXME: need constraint that member is a member of the correct org.
now, that’s all fine and good… but we need the whole nominations thing to work.
so what about something like this:
create table election_candidate_nomination (
when timestamp not null default now(),
election_position_id int not null,
from_member_id int not null, -- member doing the nominating
for_member_id int not null, -- the member being nominated,
reason text,
CONSTRAINT "nomination_from_member_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (from_member_id) references members(id) on update restrict,
CONSTRAINT "nomination_for_member_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (for_member_id) references members(id) on update restrict,
CONSTRAINT "election_candidate_election_position_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (org_id) references election_position(id) on update restrict,
this should be adequate to keep track of nominations. When enough nominations are gathered and the candidate accepts, then we can create an entry in election_candidate.
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