WL4271 Encrypted Online Backup: Preview 3

“WL4271 Encrypted Online Backup: Preview 3” branch in Launchpad

Now with Windows support. Many thanks to Chuck Bell for helping get the code going on Windows.

We can however, all sit around dumbfounded as to how Windows has so little of a POSIX like layer and yet doesn’t define ENOTSUP.

As a refresher, this tree implements:

  • Encryption for MySQL Online backup
  • Algorithms and keysizes supported:
    • 3DES
    • AES (128, 192 and 256bit)
  • World peace

(world peace not included)

UPDATE: If you’re wondering why the branch isn’t there, it’s still pushing to launchpad. Yes, that’s over 7 hours to push a branch. ick. Can’t be too much longer, surely. I cannot wait until lp uses shared repos.

Security question fail.

Spot the problem:

You work for company X.

  • Phone rings: “Hi, my name is Alice, I work for company X”
  • “Hi Alice, this is Bob, in order to verify that you do actually work for X, what is your employee number and phone extension, I’ll call you back when verified”.
  • “Okay Bob, it’s Alice, employee number 1234 and I’m on 555-5555”
  • You look up the employee database and sure enough, Alice is there with number 1234.

Were you talking to Alice?

Will you be talking to Alice if you dial 555-5555?

NDB$INFO scanning from ndb_mgm

In code just tested:

ndb_mgm> ndbinfo MEMUSAGE


This is the first time that we’ve been able to get this kind of info out of the cluster without using the magic “all dump 1000” (or “all report MemUsage”) which end up using events, which go to the log file, aren’t exactly reliable etc.

This performs a scan on the NDBINFO tables (in ndbd) from ndb_mgmd and returns the result to the management client. You can then use this in scripts from the command line. e.g. to find out how many pages of datamemory are used on each node:

$ ./storage/ndb/src/mgmclient/ndb_mgm -c localhost:9311 -e ‘ndbinfo MEMUSAGE’|tail -n +3|grep ‘DataMemory’|cut -d ‘,’ -f4

now, just to clean it up a bit, fix the one bug (yes, you guessed it: in metadata caching) and get a review….

but, a milestone!


There’s been talk over the years of better monitoring for NDB (MySQL Cluster). This has been dubiously named NDB$INFO, after some special magical naming convention for tables holding information on the insides of NDB. Otherwise known as Worklog 3363 (viewable on MySQL Forge).

The basic idea is to get a bunch of things that are already known inside NDB available through a rather standard interface (SQL is preferred).

My top examples are “How much DataMemory is used?” and “Do I need to increase MaxNoOf(Tables|Attributes|ConcurrentTransactions)?”. You can get some of this information now either through the management client (ndb_mgm -e “all report MemoryUsage”) or the MGM API using events and some other foo.

This is a rather limited interface though. It would be great if you could point all your monitoring stuff to a MySQL Server, throwing queries at it and finding out the state of your cluster.

So this year I’ve been working on implementing NDB$INFO. The big requirements (for me at least) are:

  1. Everything can be queried easly from SQL
  2. It’s easy to add a new NDB$INFO table (for a NDB developer)
  3. you can use NDB$INFO tables to diagnose problems (such as nodes not connecting)

Among the 492 things I’m currently doing, is fixing up a basic patchset for NDB$INFO and working on getting it into the tree. It’s all going to be basic scan interfaces in the current version, so things may be slow if there’s lots of rows, but they’ll get there.

What would you like to see exposed?

Encrypted Online Backup (design, thoughts, ask-the-lazyweb)

So after a ever so temporary but loud moment of insanity[1] having a decision made which I very strongly disagreed with (wanting to release online encrypted backup as closed source), we’re back in the world of freedom and the MySQL Server is (and will be) free and open source software (dual licensed, so you can buy a commercial license of the same thing).

[1] Addition (wanting to remove my use of the word): Marten (rightly) points out that although appreciating the new blog posts, he doesn’t appreciate having his decisions called insanity. He’s right. It’s the wrong way to put it. So, without wanting to censor or change history (instead preferring to illustrate my own stupidity and amazing ability to completely say the wrong thing every 6 months or so), I offer this clarification (that i have tried to express in about 3 drafts of blog posts, none of which have made the light of day as i was never really happy with them): the decision was made with all the right intentions (grow the company, end up producing more free software, making sales to enterprises easier, clearer differentiation etc) but it was one that I (and many others) rather strongly disagreed with. In the end, the dicision was made to have these parts as free software and I truly believe that this was made after more arguments were presented by myself (and others) about why having these parts as closed was a bad idea. It is quite the thing to make the decision to make modules for your free software product closed, it is about 15 steps higher to go back on it. I’ll share a phrase I used a few times when being a right nick-picker about things during employment contract negotiation this year (for MySQL Australia and then Sun): “Do I trust Marten? Absolutely. It’s the next guy. Remember, SCO was once Caldera and producing a linux distro and generally considered good.” So, that was more than I intended to write on the subject… but hopefully clarifies that I just thought the decision itself was bad, and am lucky enough to work at a place that encourages discussion when you don’t like things.

So, now I’m involved with writing up the worklog for encryption for the MySQL server native online backup. I also wrote most of the original worklog for compression of online backup (I implemented compressed backup and LCP for MySQl Cluster) as well as some proof-of-concept code (written in <5 minutes at 3am while jetlagged).

There are two main approaches to encryption: symmetric and asymmetric (public key). I think we should support both (but we’ll see what others think).

For symmetric (password based for those not up with the street lingo of crypto) we’re thinking of the following algorithms: 3DES, AES, Blowfish. Are there any others that people care about?

DES is obviously out as it’s not considered secure, and really, we should be helping users to get things right.

For public key: RSA and DSA are the obvious choices.

As for libraries implementing all of these? well….. I’m thinking about libgcrypt – it looks fairly nice and a bit similar to the kernel crypto api (which seems quite nice). Anybody got any other suggestions? Things you’d like to see? thoughts?

EDIT: Server not Service. We sell services, the server is free and open source. I fail.


I flew back into Sydney on Sunday morning to give a tutorial at Sun’s Expanding Horizon’s summit. It was a half day tutorial on MySQL Cluster – so a shortened version of the one I’ve given at the MySQL User Conference for the past few years. I had about 15 attendees, all of which had done their homework (It probably help that they were pestered via phone :)

The tutorial went really well. It really helps when everybody has done the homework and already have Linux and MySQL Cluster installed. Everybody got up and running (we used mysql-test-run to start a cluster, not writing the config file from scratch, which made things happen a lot faster). Also got some good feedback – yay! We may even have some people look to deploy it after attending, always a plus.

I also gave a “Scaling MySQL” talk that was well attended. I didn’t talk at all about query optimisation, mysqld configuration tuning or stuff like that – instead focusing on making the app saner, caching etc. memcached, of course, got a good mention :) It seemed to go down well, some good questions, and a rather full room.

So a rather productive two days for spreading the freedom love.

However, the conference dinner was complete FAIL on account of the venue. I don’t know which vegetarians/vegans call beef and fish vegetarian, but I’ve never met one (hint: they don’t exist). This is *after* the explanation on being vegan. Then… there was some discussion about pasta with a tomato/vegetable sauce, never came. So as others were finishing meals, again inquire – eventually, something was brought over. Undercooked rice and undercooked steamed vegetables. I don’t know who eats that for dinner (hint: nobody). Of course, after the pasta discussion, I then selected a wine that would go with it. After more of the stuff-ups, I pointed out that there was no way I was going to pay for the wine when shit like that was served (yes, in those words… perhaps I’ve been watching too much Gordon Ramsay).

It was the first time ever that I’ve left a restaurant during a function, gone down the street, gotten take away and brought it back. Novotel Brighton Beach (in Sydney) – you suck.

(there’s also a beutiful view across the bay of the runways of Sydney airport… which is fine if you can sleep through planes landing an taking off, like i can, but i know others can’t).

Will never stay at the Novotel Brighton Beach voluntarily, ever. On the plus side, the guy at the desk when checking out was very apologetic…

My Name Is…


With a t at the end. Not a d.

Get it wrong once, possible mistake.

When I correct you, and you do it *again* and *again*, I want to slap you in the face with a keyboard.

It’s especially bad when you’re replying to my email, as my name is spelt correctly at least THREE TIMES right in front of you (Twice in “To: Stewart Smith <stewart@…>” and again in “On X, Stewart Smith wrote:”.

(and if you’re wondering why I’ve tagged this post with “sun” and “mysql” it’s because some of you people are the worst offenders)


timezones and when you get mail

It’s very weird having mail arrive at different times… e.g. when in the US, it’s less likely for some peolpe to mail you in the middle of the night US time.

Back home… common to get response between local time 2-5am… which is rather not 2-5am their local time.

But my habit of pulling mail in the morning after having done so late at night…. hard to break.

mysql-5.1.24-stew1 (with Maria and PBXT)

I’ve hacked around a bit to get PBXT to compile in tree, and pulled in the Maria engine. Both are latest source.

So, want to try out Maria?

Want to try out PBXT?

Just want to do ./configure and go with it, just like building a normal MySQL Server?

Grab the -stew tree. Source tarball here:


(it’s based on something close to 5.1.24… and I’m going to switch some of my systems over to it rather soon… already done some good benchmarks on one of my apps).

feedback much appreciated.

UPDATE: Got x86-64 Linux. Try my binary tarball (built from above src tarball). Built on Ubuntu Gutsy (my laptop). So it may (or may not) work. If it kills your squirrel, not my fault.

OpenLDAP, MySQL Cluster, world of awesome

Last night (okay… i’m posting thsi a bit later… so the other night), a group of us gathered around to hear about some work that had been done in getting a MySQL Cluster backend for OpenLDAP.

I’d heard a bit of rumors (where rumors is defined by somebody saying something on IRC and me being busy looking at other things) about this previously, but last night was the first time I a) saw it working and b) saw performance numbers.

Disclaimer: I am no LDAP expert.

So, what is it?

Normal LDAP can replicate asynchronously from one machine to another. You can even update on both and it has some conflict resolution. But… this costs in performance.

Normal LDAP can also replicate (asynchronously) to a remote location for read-only (e.g. make authentication go faster in Australia with the main LDAP server in the US).

The MySQL Cluster backend for OpenLDAP connects directly to MySQL Cluster, using rather optimised schema, indexes and coding (directly using everything that we’re good at – which was really awesome to hear).

So, the MySQL Cluster backed LDAP server is the 2nd fastest in the world. The fastest is OpenLDAP on a single machine. With MySQL Cluster, we’re not that much slower than a single box – but we have redundancy. So that’s totally awesome. The third fastest…. much slower than us.

This was one of the most awesome new things I’ve seen here.

default filesystem and disk parameters are for wusses

I can’t remember the last time i used default mkfs or mount options… oh yeah, that’s right – by accident.

Anyway… I did a little experiment today.

The filesystem is my laptop /home – XFS, 100GB, 95% used (so 5-6GB free), rather aged. This is where a lot of my MySQL development is done. Mkfs options: 128MB log, version2 log. Mount options: logbufs=8, logbsize=256k. All of this geared towards increasing metadata performance.

Why metadata performance? well… source code trees are a lot of metadata :)

So, let’s try some things: cloning a repository and then removing the repository.

Two variables are being tested: mounting the file system with nobarrier (or barrier, the default). Write barriers tell the disk to ensure write order to the platter when write cache is in use. Also testing disabling (or enabling, the default) the disk write cache.



NOTE: the last option which has the write cache enabled and write barriers disabled is NOT SAFE. If your machine crashes, you loose data, and potentially your file system ends up corrupted.

So I’m now disabling my disk write cache and mounting with nobarrier.

If you use real disk arrays – e.g. battery backed write cache RAID boxes, the story is likely very different!

Going to MySQL User Conference? Come to LugRadio Live!

LugRadio is possibly the best Linux/Free Software related podcast out there – and it has been for a very long time. LugRadio Live is a live event where lots of people gather together to love freedom.

This year, there’s a LugRadio Live USA – and it’s in San Francisco. So, are you going to be (or are able to be) around SF the weekend before the MySQL UC? If, there is no excuse not to drop in on LugRadio Live USA – it should be awesome! (oh, and it doesn’t cost much… like $10 or something)

Windows finally gets poll() (well…WSAPoll)

Found this today: Windows Core Networking : WSAPoll, A new Winsock API to simplify porting poll() applications to Winsock.

Which means we should be able to squeeze some peformance out of Vista. Although, since poll() we’ve gone and moved on to much better things in the free world.

As part of porting MySQL Cluster to Microsoft Windows platforms, I’m going and redoing a lot of the portable sockets code in MySQL. My goal is to have enforcing of proper use of the portable functions be done by the compiler instead of the programmer – leading to less portability bugs.

Let’s face it: friends don’t let friends have to run Windows to not break the Windows port.

Good news is that so far I’ve found several bugs that could have presented them in real nasty ways at run time but have instead showed up as build errors – brilliant!