MySQL Cluster Tutorial

This year I am again giving a MySQL Cluster Tutorial at the MySQL Conference and Expo. As those who have attended before can tell you, this is a hands on tutorial. I don’t just stand up the front and talk at you for a day, that would be very boring (for all of us). While there is a good amount of presented material (there is a decent amount of theory to get through), there is a large component that involves setting up a cluster, putting data in, getting data out, backup, restore.

So if you’re wanting to learn about MySQL Cluster in a nice and friendly hands-on environment, I can recommend coming to my tutorial.

The tutorial isn’t the be-all and end-all tutorial. It does not teach you everything. It does give you a decent introduction though.

Speaker: MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 – O’Reilly Conferences, April 20 – 23, 2009, Santa Clara, CA

Yes, I’m speaking at  the upcoming MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 – on April 20 – 23 (and yes, it’s in Santa Clara again).

I have three sessions:

MySQL Cluster Tutorial: this time with 6.4 feature goodness. Very hands-on, very interactive.

MySQL Cluster on Windows:  (insert witty text about hating operating system freedom here)

Memory Management in MySQL and Drizzle: not magic setting of buffer variables, but memory allocation and management inside the server, a bunch of malloc() discussion and hopefully some interesting numbers.

MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 – CFP open

Is it that time already? MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 has opened the CFP.

Submit (well) early and often. It’s always an exciting (and exhausting) conf. Good technical, relevant content is what makes it good. Getting to talk to people who do amazing things, people who use your software, people looking to use it, people who want to chat about how you can learn off each other.

Any suggestions for what you’d like to hear from me (Cluster, Drizzle et al) are welcome – either via private mail or comments here.

MySQL Conf coming up (and memories of last year)

Andy Dustman just blogged referencing his previous posts on last years MySQL User Conference. This years is coming close (April 23-26) and the pressure to have all my presentations all perfect is mounting (err.. by the way, they will be).

Last year was a blast. Long days (and into the evenings) with sessions, BoFs, food and beer discussing all sorts of things that in some way related back to databases (and rather often, surprisingly enough, MySQL).

What was also great was being able to talk to lots of people who are doing real things out in the real world abotu MySQL Cluster and if it’s remotely suitable to their application. Often the answer can be “I think you’re looking for replication”, which is perfectly okay too.

I’m in a few days early (and around a few days after) – so if you’re around the area do give me a yell – it’d be cool to hang.

FYI, I’m giving the following sessions:

  • MySQL Cluster: The Complete Tutorial (Parts I and II)
    Which is a total of 6hrs of MySQL Cluster goodiness. It’s aimed at people who know MySQL (or are pretty good with other RDBMSs and can fake it) and are wanting to know about MySQL Cluster. It’s a hands-on tutorial, so be prepared!
  • Introduction to MySQL Cluster
    A 45minute whirlwind introduction to MySQL Cluster. Assumes some MySQL knowledge. Good if you’ve heard about this cluster thing (even from just reading the title of this session) and want to know what it’s all about.
  • Exploring New Features in MySQL 5.1 Cluster
    A 45 minute blast of a session on what’s new for MySQL Cluster in the 5.1 release. This will cover just about everything that was in my last years presentation on the same topic. So if you came to last years and come to this one again… I’m going to make fun of you for being a groupie :)
  • Bleeding Edge MySQL Cluster: Upcoming Cool Things
    A whole hour on the stuff you shouldn’t use in production. The topic list is sort-of known… it really is what is the latest and greatest that should be coming to a tree somewhere, sometime… this year. We’ll no doubt talk about online add node, online add/drop attribute, multithreaded NDB kernel, API improvements and a whole lot more!
  • The Design and Internals of MySQL Cluster
    What happens under the hood in MySQL Cluster? Find out here! An hour for those with the real technical mind. If source code and network protocol discriptions scare you, possibly not for you – expect an hour of coolness.

Yes, there seems to be a “Stewart” track at the conf :) Aparrently people enjoyed my session last year… so there was a tendancy to accept my sessions this year.