You could use this in a Vagrant setup if you like (I’ve done so for testing).
Step 1)Â Set the following in your Vagrantfile: do |config| = "lucid32" config.vm.box_url = "" config.vm.provision :puppet end
Step 2) Get puppet-apt helper.
I used and put it in a manifests/ directory like so:
$ mkdir manifests $ cd manifests $ git clone git://
Step 3) Write your puppet manifest:
import "puppet-apt/manifests/init.pp" import "puppet-apt/manifests/ppa.pp"
class drizzlebuild { apt::ppa { "ppa:drizzle-developers/ppa": } package { "drizzle-dev": ensure => latest, } }
include drizzlebuild
Step 4) “vagrant  up” and you’re done! Feel free to build Drizzle inside this VM.
I’m sure there may be some more proper way to do it all, but that was a pretty neat first intro to me to Puppet and friends :)